Work With Me

Rediscovering you, and living from a place of creation.

Rediscovering who we really are is the first step to creating the life that we are destined to, and deserve to live. A life full of wonder, exploration, optimum health and heartfelt relationships. We start to let go of the worry and doubt that have held us back from living to the full expression of ourselves.

The rediscovery comes about from deepening our understanding of how we work psychologically. This is where understanding and experiencing The Three Principles comes in.

When we rediscover our true selves we unlock an intuitive wisdom, an excitement for life and the natural expressions of love, laughter and joy. We start to see the world differently: softer, kinder and safer.

“[Mandy] helped me get my own sanity back and see everything with much more clarity”

The clarity that comes with that new seeing can be life changing, because knowing that we are the creator of our experience and not just victims of circumstance means that we can live from a deeper place of knowing; that of intuition, wisdom and self-worth.

We are designed to feel our emotions and to express ourselves authentically. Avoiding, or denying our feelings and limiting our self-expression can lead to smaller, flatter and less vibrant lives.

Rediscovering who you really are will allow you to be the full expression of You – the amazing and unique You!

Loving being you

We are naturally creative, powerful, loving, compassionate and resilient. That really is who we are and how we can show up in the world.

When we rediscover who we really are, we can’t help but give ourselves the love and kindness that we deserve. That in itself allows us to live a heartfelt life.

And when we don’t give ourselves the love and kindness that we deserve, having an understanding of why it’s happening is super helpful.

Who I Work With

Wherever you are in your journey, I can help. I work with people of all ages and in all stages of their lives.

I work with people who want to rediscover who they are and want to live a heartfelt and happier life. Yes, you deserve to be happy!

You may be at a transition time in your life, or you might just have a deep knowing that things can and should be different.

You might have a clear idea of where you want to be but want support and mentoring to travel that path, or you might be feeling lost and confused.

As people deepen their understanding of who they are and how they can live more authentic, happier and heartfelt lives, change and growth inevitably happens. This can feel uncomfortable, exciting, and everything in between.

Working with a coach during these times is exactly what we need to ride the ups and downs.

“Mandy kept pointing me back to the truth of who I am, whilst deeply listening with a connected presence”

If you feel that you might like me as your coach, please get in touch via the Contact page and we can start this wonderful journey.